草本拯救霜 Rescue Acne Cream-30g

(29 則顧客評價)



  • 不含過氧化苯;
  • 能在30分鐘內就能明顯改善肌膚;
  • 增加肌膚防禦;
  • 不會損害肌膚,令肌膚乾燥。


  • 能即時紓緩肌膚不適;
  • 不會損害肌膚;
  • 能抽走黑頭、粉刺或暗瘡性肌膚的雜質及有害物質;
  • 紓緩輕微的剃鬚後不適;
  • 紓緩紅斑痤瘡的徵狀;
  • 可作面膜使用,敷T字位能平衡過多的油份。

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貨號: Resc_Cream 分類: , , ,



  • 法國綠瓷土  –  幫助張開閉塞的毛孔;
  • 金印草  –  通常用於肌膚表面作清潔;
  • 雷公根  –  是一種增加肌膚防禦的礦物;
  • 木賊  –  蘊含豐富的天然礦物矽,具强效的收斂特性,幫助肌膚復元。


  1. 先用淨化潔顏露Purify Facial Cleanser清潔肌膚,去除表面之污垢及細菌。
  2. 每天以棉花棒把草本拯救霜Rescue Blemish Cream塗於患處兩次。
  3. 若患處受嚴重感染,毛孔受到阻塞,可把草本拯救霜Rescue Blemish Cream(作面膜用)在患處敷30分鐘再以清水洗淨。然後再補塗一次草本拯救霜Rescue Blemish Cream。


Tory Rideout –


Suzanne Ho –

這款祛痘霜有效。相信我,我從十幾歲開始就患有痤瘡,現在我快 50 歲了,仍然偶爾會出現青春痘。它有助於加快癒合過程而不會使我的皮膚乾燥。必須買。

swill424 –




Hydrastis Canadensis (Golden Seal) Extract, Bentonite (French Green Clay), Benzyl Alcohol, Centella Asciatica (Gotu Kola) Leaf Extract, Equisetum Arvense (Horsetail) Extract, Echinacea Angustifolia Extract, Potassium Sorbate, Lavendula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil, Commiphora Myrrha (Myrrh) Oil, Leptospermum Petersonii (Australian Lemon Scented Tea Tree) Oil, Citrus Paradisi (Grapefruit) Peel Oil.



草本拯救霜 Rescue Acne Cream-30g 共有 29 則評價

  1. Helen Oliver-Field – 08/08/2022


    I already love this product and found a new use for it! I burned a small area on the back of my hand on my hot oven. My skin became red and angry. I popped some rescue cream on it at bedtime and I woke in the morning with no pain nor blistering to the affected area. This cream truly soothes inflamed, red and irritated skin.

  2. Tory Rideout – 26/07/2021


    Thank you for this great product. I love it! It works very well for targeting pimple spots.

  3. Suzanne Ho – 14/12/2020

    這款祛痘霜有效。相信我,我從十幾歲開始就患有痤瘡,現在我快 50 歲了,仍然偶爾會出現青春痘。它有助於加快癒合過程而不會使我的皮膚乾燥。必須買。

    This acne cream works. Trust me I have suffered from acne since teen and I’m now almost fifty and still getting occassion zit. It helps speed up the healing process without drying my skin. Must buy.

  4. Kim Lam – 22/11/2020

    我的皮膚看起來棒極了。這是我用過的最好的祛痘霜。強烈推薦。已經使用了 2 年,仍然永遠選擇它。

    My skin looks fabulous. This is the best acne cream that I ever used. Highly recommended. Have been using for 2 years and still continue choosing it forever.

  5. Thibui – 02/10/2020


    Very helpful! It works on my skin, I bought one before and I am going to buy another one! High recommend!

  6. Tuhcc – 24/09/2020


    This is the only acne cream I use on my face, I have oily skin but also very dry and sensitive, this is a cream help flatten my acne over night even the redness goes away quicker!!

  7. viv – 17/07/2020


    Highly recommend this product as this is the only cream that helped clear my breakouts.

  8. sarah – 22/06/2020


    I received a sample of this with one of my orders, so i gave it a try, the result was fabulous. I get hormonal acne every single month, I apply a small amount of this morning and night and i can actually feel it doing its thing…it feels a little cool and it makes me feel as though its working its magic immediately and the next day my spots are no where near as angry (!) and they disappear a lot quicker. I immediately bought this product, it will also ages and its seriously great.

  9. krissy carter – 09/06/2020


    I cannot recommend this product enough. I have tried some of the most well known, high end, skincare brands for years and still had congestion which I couldn’t seem to budge.. until now. This cream is UNBELIEVABLE! You will not be disappointed.


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