- 法國綠瓷土 – 幫助張開閉塞的毛孔;
- 金印草 – 通常用於肌膚表面作清潔;
- 雷公根 – 是一種增加肌膚防禦的礦物;
- 木賊 – 蘊含豐富的天然礦物矽,具强效的收斂特性,幫助肌膚復元。
- 先用淨化潔顏露Purify Facial Cleanser清潔肌膚,去除表面之污垢及細菌。
- 每天以棉花棒把草本拯救霜Rescue Blemish Cream塗於患處兩次。
- 若患處受嚴重感染,毛孔受到阻塞,可把草本拯救霜Rescue Blemish Cream(作面膜用)在患處敷30分鐘再以清水洗淨。然後再補塗一次草本拯救霜Rescue Blemish Cream。
Tory Rideout –
Suzanne Ho –
這款祛痘霜有效。相信我,我從十幾歲開始就患有痤瘡,現在我快 50 歲了,仍然偶爾會出現青春痘。它有助於加快癒合過程而不會使我的皮膚乾燥。必須買。
swill424 –
swill424 – 29/12/2019 –
Best treatment I’ve found for my blemishes, I have pretty temperamental skin with frequent breakouts but this cream really helps to take the inflammation out of any breakout and heal them super fast. Definitely a holy grail product, I’ve already repurchased many times.
Cathy Smith – 18/12/2019 –
I find this product excellent in reducing redness with mature age acne. With consistent use I have seen improvements in the acne present on my skin.
Bree2234 – 31/10/2019 –
I didn’t expect this to do so well on my stubborn acne but I put it on as soon as a pimple pops up and 2 mornings later, I see that little bigger dried up and reduced in size. Thank you!!
Jackseake – 07/04/2019 –
Such an amazing natural product, it really helped heal my acne.
moniquematthewshome – 04/03/2019 –
This cream does wonders! It smells a bit funny though, but I guess it’s because it’s so potent and it works so well!
Katie – 18/02/2019 –
This is honestly one of the best acne products I have ever used, and I do not say that lightly. If I see a pimple starting to pop up I put some of this on, and the next morning it is either completely gone or close to it. Thanks Botani, I will definitely be reordering this when I run out!
Ngoc Vo – 13/02/2019 –
it has worked better than any other acne treatment I’ve tried. It doesn’t sting much, it lasts a long time and it really helps with how long a pimple stays around for.
Divz13 – 19/10/2018 –
我用過的最好的祛痘霜。兩天前我爆發了最嚴重的荷爾蒙痤瘡,我已經看到了巨大的改善 – 尺寸減小,發紅和整體外觀減少。我真的能感覺到一種刺痛的感覺,這讓我覺得它在發揮它的魔力!!
The best acne cream I’ve ever used. I broke out in the worst hormonal acne 2 days ago and I cna already see a massive improvement – size reduced, less redness and overall appearance. I can actually feel a tingling sensation which makes me think it working its magic!!
Mel – 13/10/2018 –
This is an amazing product. Really reduces blemishes when they appear and does not dry or irritate my sensitive skin.
beclbrown – 13/05/2018 –
This is one of the few products that has actively made a different to my hormonal acne, I will definitely be repurchasing this product!
Vegan-Sue – 27/02/2018 –
當我第一次看到 Rescue Acne Cream 時,我真的很懷疑,有很多產品都聲稱它們可以提供幫助。我在這些所謂的奇蹟產品上浪費了這麼多錢,結果都讓我大失所望。
因此,在閱讀了 Beauty Heaven、YouTube 等幾個月的評論後,我決定試一試,我已經失望了很多次,所以我並沒有抱太大的期望。
I was a real sceptic when I first saw the Rescue Acne Cream, there are so many products all claiming that they can help. I have wasted so much money on these so-called miracle products and all have been a big disappointment.
So after months of reading reviews on Beauty Heaven, YouTube etc. I decided to give it a try, I’ve been let down so many times, so I wasn’t expecting much.
But wow… this product blew me away, it has done everything it claimed to do, I’m very impressed and I’ll never have to waste another dollar on treatment skincare that doesn’t work – keep up the good work and a BIG thank you for being/making vegan and cruelty-free skin care!
Cheryl – 20/05/2017 –
Been using this for years on the occassional pimple that rears its ugly head. Its a brilliant product & clears the pimple overnight!
Bianca bonakey – 11/10/2015 –
這款面霜太棒了!它可以直接起作用,並且會在第二天消除那些討厭的粉刺.. 完全推薦給青少年或荷爾蒙人群
This cream is amazing ! It works literally straightaway and will zap that nasty acne away by the next day .. Totally recommended for teenagers or hormonal people
Loriann Ryan – 03/08/2015 –
Botani 救援霜是一款了不起的產品!即使在我這個年齡(46 歲),我似乎總是到處冒出一些粉刺。我第一次使用面霜時,有幾個粉刺。我在晚上塗抹保濕霜之前塗抹了乳霜。我的粉刺在 2 天內完全消失了。我每晚使用非常少量的乳霜,塗抹在任何開始形成疙瘩的區域。到早上,問題點完全消失了!!少量使用可以用很久,加上罐子的大尺寸,它會持續很長時間。我對救援霜感到非常滿意,因此我購買了 Botani Olive 修復霜(還沒有使用它,但我相信我會喜歡它)。感謝 Botani 製作瞭如此出色的產品!
Botani Rescue cream is an amazing product! Even at my age (46), I always seem to have a few pimples pop up here and there. The first time I used the cream, I had a couple of pimples. I applied the cream in the evening before applying moisturiser. My pimples were completely gone within 2 days. I use a very small amount of the cream each night, applied to any areas that are starting to form a pimple. By morning, the problem spots are totally gone!! A small amount of the cream goes a long way and with the generous size of the jar, it will last a long time. I’m so happy with the rescue cream that I have since purchased the Botani Olive repair cream (haven’t used it yet but I’m sure I will love it). Thank you Botani for producing such a wonderful product!
Zoe – 04/08/2014 –
我在星期五買了這個……面霜,只用了 3 天后,我的皮膚比以前更乾淨了。週六早上醒來後,我什至注意到了不同之處。我很高興我找到了這個產品,並會立即推薦它
I bought this…cream on Friday and after only 3 days of using it my skin is clearer then it has been for a very long time. I even noticed a difference after waking up on the Saturday morning. I am so glad I found this product and would recommend it in a heart beat
Elle – 02/06/2014 –
我的下巴上有一個頑固的盲疙瘩將近一個月,我嘗試了所有不同的家庭療法……但沒有任何效果,[他們]所做的只是讓瑕疵周圍的皮膚乾燥和結痂,並試圖在頂部化妝這不是一個漂亮的網站。我在 BeautyHeaven 上的評論中發現了這個,並認為我會在此之前給出它。我更喜歡在我的皮膚上使用盡可能多的天然產品,因為它非常敏感。好吧..我把這個糊糊塗了一整夜,我醒來發現它的大小縮小了一半,而且它來服務🙂非常非常高興!
I had a stubborn blind pimple on my chin for nearly a month, I tried all different home remedies … but nothing worked, all [they] did was make the skin around the blemish dry and scabby and trying to put make-up over the top of that isn’t a pretty site. I came across this on a review on BeautyHeaven and thought I`d give it ago. I prefer using as much natural products on my skin as possible as its very sensitive. well.. I put this paste on quiet thickly over night and I’ve woken up to find its shrunk half the size and its come to the service 🙂 very very happy!
Andrea – 15/08/2013 –
Have found this cream one of the most effective and fast acting pimple treatments around. The jar is cute and I used a cotton bud to apply the green coloured cream onto my pimples. I felt immediate cooling relief on application and my pimples cleared up in a matter of days. Whenever I feel a pimple starting up I apply a layer off cream over the area and let it dry after cleansing my face before bed time, by morning the pimple is always reduced and swelling goes down too. It has a herbal fragrance which is pleasant. Have tried many other acne treatment creams and have found this the most effective AND gentle on my skin.
katherine – 31/07/2013 –
Brilliant product that has helped a great deal to reduce acne and clear acne quickly and efficiently. Well done with such a great product.
Megan – 29/07/2013 –
Rescue Acne Cream 現在是我最喜歡的產品之一!我的前額經常會長痘痘……我給了這個產品機會並且非常喜歡它——不會讓你的皮膚在使用後感覺乾燥、發紅或發炎……從……使用這個產品我發現我的 T 區周圍的粉刺和油脂明顯減少。該產品在夏季也非常有用!
The Rescue Acne Cream is now one of my favorite products! I tend to suffer from on-going breakouts particularly on my forehead… I gave this product the chance and absolutely loved it – doesn’t make your skin feel dry, red or irritate after use… and from … use of this product i found a noticeable decrease in pimples and oil around my T-zone. This product was also very useful during summer season!
Em – 29/07/2013 –
這真是太棒了!我有敏感的皮膚…… Acne Rescue Cream 很溫和,根本不會刺激我的皮膚,而且它確實有效!我已經使用它好幾個月了,真的很喜歡它。在過去的幾年裡,我嘗試了很多其他品牌的產品來治療痤瘡,但沒有什麼能比得上 Acne Rescue Cream 的效果。
This is absolutely wonderful! I have sensitive skin … The Acne Rescue Cream is gentle, doesn’t irritate my skin at all and it actually works! I’ve been using it for quite a few months now and really love it. I’ve tried a lot of other brands products over the last few years for acne and nothing even comes close to how great the Acne Rescue Cream is.