使用方法:(建議晚間使用,日間則使用巴西莓活性防禦精華Acai Berry Active Defence Serum)
- 先以淨化潔面露Purify Facial Cleanser或橄欖溫和潔面乳Olive Soothing Cleanser潔淨肌膚;
- 再以花卉紓緩噴霧Soothing Facial Mist或清水濕潤肌膚;
- 以指尖方法把2-3滴橄欖活萃緊緻精華油Olive Skin Serum按壓到微濕及潔淨的面部及眼部附近肌膚(避免眼蓋部位);
- 倘若肌膚或天氣非常乾燥,可續以Boost Balancing Moisturiser或橄欖修護面霜Olive Repair Cream加強滋養及保濕。
- 使用橄欖活萃緊緻精華油 Olive Skin Serum前必先要把肌膚弄濕,顧客可以使用潔淨的清水或Botáni 花卉紓緩噴霧Soothing Facial Mist或任何不含化學成份及酒精的化妝水,這樣精華中的橄欖角鯊烯就可把水份及養份帶入肌膚底層並鎖緊,達至肌膚水油平衡;
- 不能使用化妝水,因橄欖活萃緊緻精華油 中的橄欖角鯊烯會把之前所用護膚品的成份帶入肌膚底層,而市面上大部份的化妝水均含有酒精或化學成份(不適宜帶入肌膚底層)。再者,化妝水的功能是帶走肌膚中的雜質,與橄欖活萃緊緻精華油的功能有衝突,容易造成敏感;
- 若天氣及客人的肌膚不是太乾燥,建議客人晚間使用花卉紓緩噴霧及橄欖活萃緊緻精華油後不需要再用面霜或乳液,好讓肌膚可在晚間休息及呼吸;橄欖抗衰老精華的用量因人而異,若屬油性肌膚或天氣潮濕,應減少用量。
橄欖角鯊烯 Olive Squalene – Botáni獨一無二的植物成份
Botáni帶來獨一無二的植物成份,由大自然提供的完美代替品:橄欖角鯊烯 Olive Squalene。它複製了肌膚的保濕及保護特性。橄欖角鯊烯 Olive Squalene 與肌膚中的天然角鯊烯相類似,與肌膚生物性相容,能迅速被肌膚吸收,故它可把其他營養素一起帶到肌膚底層。
橄欖角鯊烯 Olive Squalene 是Botáni產品的基礎成份,它能給你帶來肌膚健康及光澤。
橄欖角鯊烯 Olive Squalene 的優點:
- 保濕劑(它把水份鎖在肌膚內);恢復肌膚彈性
- 修護肌膚;防止肌膚衰老
- 肌膚平滑;淡化(撫平)皺紋
- 滋養肌膚;幫助維持肌膚健康
- 令肌膚幼滑如絲之餘,不帶油膩感覺。
ulianascott – 04/08/2022 –
Olive skin serum is fantastic! I use it in the morning and in the evening (combination skin), it doesn’t feel greasy and my skin stays hydrated all day!
laurelynscicluna – 20/02/2021 –
在過去的 4-5 年裡,當我在 Priceline 遇到它時,我一直在使用這種油。我的皮膚乾燥,容易長濕疹,這意味著我的皮膚對使用大量人工成分或香料產品的產品高度敏感。我完全愛上了這種油。我喜歡在準備化妝時使用這種油,因為我的皮膚過去常常難以保持妝容並看起來水潤。現在,我的化妝程序總是散發出如此自然的光澤。老實說,這是我最喜歡的產品之一!!
I’ve been using this oil for the past 4-5 years when I came across it in Priceline. I have dry skin prone to eczema breakouts which means that my skin is highly sensitive to products that use a lot of artificial ingredients or perfumed products. I have absolutely fallen in love with this oil. I love using this oil in preparing to wear makeup as my skin used to struggle to remain and look hydrated with makeup on. Now I always have such a natural glow with my makeup routine. It’s honestly one of my favourite products!!
krissy carter – 09/06/2020 –
This product is incredible! I have never had so many compliments on my skin! It has reduced fine lines, kept my skin hydrated and glowing. I wear it under my makeup to keep my foundation smooth and I wear it before bed every night after my cleansing regime. I cannot recommend this product enough. There is absolutely a reason every review is the same, it works!
Inga – 26/03/2019 –
I really love this product. Even my husband, who has very sensitive skin uses it twice a week. It makes visible difference and we both enjoying its elegant and delicate smell.
Mel – 13/10/2018 –
I use this daily and it has really helped keep my skin hydrated and has not given me any blemishes, which is great as I am prone to blemishes.
yummy_tiramisu – 17/08/2017 –
Such a great serum i am using it everyday now.
Only need 2 drops after toner and you can feel that your skin is more supple, reduce the size of the pores and the glow on your skin will come back. Skin feels immediately more hydrated.
Jill – 17/06/2016 –
我完全不能沒有這精華液。我已經用完 10 瓶了,我將繼續使用它作為我的日常皮膚保養。 Botani 的角鯊烯在我的皮膚上起到真正的保濕作用,而且很容易被吸收。我把它推薦給了我的很多朋友,他們中的一些人相信角鯊烯的魔力,而另一些人則不只是因為他們不知道角鯊烯的作用機制。
I totally can’t live without this serum. I have used up 10 bottles already and I will keep using it as my daily skin supplement. Botani’s squalene is doing true hydration on my skin and it is easily absorbed. I recommended it to many of my friends, some of them believed the magic of squalene while some don’t just because they don’t know the mechanism behind the work of squalene.
anyways, good invention. love it!
Emma – 31/03/2015 –
當我得到產品預測的結果時,我非常高興。我的一些細紋已經消散。我臉上的小濕疹完全消失了,希望再也見不到了……最讓我高興的是我的皮膚現在感覺很柔軟,沒有油膩感。我按照包裝上的說明洗了臉,但有點潮濕,血清剛剛浸透。雖然我晚上一直在偷偷摸摸,把 2 滴和我的保濕霜混合在一起,讓我的問題離開我更遠。
I was so very happy when I got the results as predicted by the product. Some of my fine line have dissipated. The small splodge of eczema that was on my face disappeared completely, hopefully never to be seen again… What made me the happiest is how soft my skin feels now, without feeling oily. I followed the instruction on the packet and wash my face but left in a bit damp and the serum just soaked right in. Although I have been being sneaky at night and mix 2 drops in with my moisturiser to make it go further.
Also used on my sister hand when she had very bad seasonal eczema, and it gave her much relief.
Linda Clark – 30/04/2014 –
這就是我用作晚霜的東西。我發現它對我來說效果很好。我認為,因為我一直在使用它,所以我可以看到結果。我注意到皺紋減少了,細紋也減少了,這讓我成為了一個快樂的 Botani 用戶。誰對我為您的驚人產品獲得的結果感到非常滿意。
This is what i use as my night cream. As i find that for me it works really well. I think that since i have been using this I can see the results. I have noticed less wrinkles and the fine lines have certainly lessened, which make me a happy Botani’ user. Who is very happy with the results I get for your amazing products.
Andrea – 15/08/2013 –
一直在使用橄欖抗老精華液和 Botani 潔顏露,之前我只用Botani 保濕霜,也超愛它的效果。只需幾滴就可以擦全臉。洗臉後臉上還有點濕潤就可以直接使用,您可以馬上就感受到不同。
Have been using the serum together with the Botani cleanser and before the Botani moisturizer and absolutely loving the results. Just a few drops are enough to cover the entire face. Apply it when still damp from cleansing and you can feel the difference immediately.
My whole face felt so much softer and more radiant. As its non greasy its perfect for acne prone skin and works beautifully under makeup.
Love the glass bottle with the dropper which helps you dispense just the right amount. Does not flare up any existing acne and helps smooth fine lines and acne scars. Its very gentle and suitable for sensitive skin types as well.