此產品採用草本骨膠原複合物(提取自稻米氨基酸、大豆、猴麵包果及脯氨酸),再加上罕有的古希臘植物成份洋乳香(Mastic) 、澳洲原生植物卡卡杜李、透明質酸及維他命B3,各種成份巧妙地配合,讓産品能:
- 強化肌保護屏障、改善肌膚濕度及令肌膚回復青春
- 對抗肌膚缺水,平衡肌膚濕度,在保護肌膚鎖水屏障的同時令肌膚回復飽滿
- 膠原蛋白能改善皺紋及細紋,改善肌膚彈性
- 平衡過度油脂分泌,讓肌膚散發細緻光澤
- 緊緻毛孔,收斂粗大毛孔
- 改善減淡色斑和暗瘡
- 改善及均勻膚色,讓肌膚回復亮澤
(Phytocollagen): |
由稻米氨基酸、大豆、猴麵包果及脯氨酸複合而成,能強化肌膚屏障,有效改善肌膚濕度,幫助緊緻肌膚,令肌膚回復年青及保持健康。 |
洋乳香(Mastic, Pistacia lentiscus) : | 自公元前3000年起己於古希臘開始使的草本藥用成份,產自希臘第五大島嶼Chaos,有退红、鎮靜肌膚,收細及緊緻毛孔、具抗衰老及抗氧化特性,能增加肌膚彈性,改善皺纹及細纹 |
維他命B3: | 是一種水溶性成分,可以少毛孔粗大、改善膚色不均、平滑細紋與皺紋,並減少暗沉,同時強化脆弱的皮膚障壁,因為它可以改善皮膚的屏障功能,因此還可以減少環境傷害,避免肌膚缺水及出現炎症,大大改善暗瘡及敏感型肌膚。 |
卡卡杜李: | 澳洲原生植物,蘊含大量活性维他命C,超級抗氧化、抗炎。 |
透明質酸: | 經粟米生物發酵後產生,產品同時採用高分子量及低分子量的透明質酸,讓肌膚能更深層地保濕,散發年青光澤。 |
Nikki Inwood – 27/07/2022 –
I have been using this for a few weeks now & I’ve been absolutely loving it. It has a beautiful lightweight non sticky texture, no real fragrance & it absorbs super fast into my skin leaving it more matte, soft & silky smooth. This serum formulation is designed to plump, soothe & firm the skin & it definitely does all those things. Highly recommend you check it out!
sydneyfashiontribe – 21/07/2022 –
By far I’ve loved using this, I have seen such an amazing difference already. I highly recommend it. I can already see my face feeling so healthy and hydrated
taraslo – 21/07/2022 –
我已經使用一個星期了,我超愛!我很幸運我的皮膚一直很好,但它從來沒有看起來這麼細緻。我一直對我的媽媽和姐姐大吼大叫說有多好用!! 現在他們也想要買了。絕對推薦!
I have been using the serum for a week now and am obsessed! I’m pretty lucky that I’ve always had good skin, but it has seriously never looked clearer. I’ve been raving about it to my mum and sister and now they want some too haha. Definitely recommend!
Classicgal – 21/07/2022 –
聽到 Botani 正在開發一些即將推出的新產品,我非常興奮,當我被要求試用新的 PhytoCollagen Serum 時,我更加興奮。
去年 40 歲時,我注意到我的眼睛周圍有更深的線條,我使用後三週內看起來更柔軟、更光滑的外觀印象深刻!
I was so excited to hear that Botani were working on some new products to be launched, even more excited when I was asked to trial the new PhytoCollagen Serum.
Having turned 40 in the last year and noticing deeper lines around my eyes, I was impressed with how the appearance looked softer and smoother within three weeks of using!
I smile with my whole face and the lines around my eyes show my age as do the dark spots, it is refreshing to find a product that produces results so quickly.
During this three weeks, I had no break outs and my skin looked more radiant.
This definitely is a new addition to my night routine.